All coaches use the same skill sets to help people achieve their full potential. However, an executive coach or life coach specializes on your specific goals. An executive coach helps clients achieve professional goals and feel confident making bolder business or career moves. A life coach helps people achieve their goals, find happiness and improve their relationships.
Often, the coaching session goes in both or either direction, depending on your needs and wants while being coached.
Even within the two fields, there are multiple possibilities to find the right coach for you. You can choose to consult with an executive coach, a relationship coach or a career transition coach. Regardless of your choice, all credentialed and certified coaches incorporate the same 11 core competencies, including ethics, client trust, powerful questioning and goal setting.
What is Executive Coaching?
Executive coaching is helping people grow professionally. Your professional development and aspirations are at the core of an executive coaching program. You may already be in a leadership role, with either formal or informal influence over other people, and seek guidance to help you make good decisions. Other clients might seek out an executive coach to get professional feedback or for help with career advancement.
What is a Life Coach?
Life coaching helps you achieve goals in your personal life. Life coaches help you identify and change things that are holding you back from the life you want. Within this category, there are many specialized types of life coaching – for instance, coaching parents, couples, or working mom.
Choosing the Right Coach for you
Coaches tend to deal with most any issue that may arise in your life, whether or not that problem is in your career or work, or in your life in general. A credentialed and certified coach is trained to be prepared for professional issues as a life coach and personal issues as an executive coach. The key here is to keep in mind how important it is that your coach is credentialed by the International Coach Federation (ICF) and certified by an Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP). These credentials are key in choosing the most well trained and experienced coach. Additionally, when choosing an executive coach, make sure the coach has industry experience. You want to find a coach that can speak your language, so your precious time is not wasted.
Are You Seeking a Qualified Coach?
If you are looking for a certified, credentialed, qualified coach, I can help. I have over 30 years of industry experience at major Blue Chip corporations.
I’ve coached leaders and executives from Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Toray Plastics, FM Global, CVS, Hasbro, The United States Postal Service, Boston University, University of Rhode Island, as well as attorneys, medical professionals, mental health professionals, and business owners.
These executives and professionals were seeking a coaching experience that addressed their career issues as well as the spill over into their personal lives. We know that your life is a continuum: very few people leave their lives out of their work and their work out of their lives. You can learn how to better integrate both areas of your life through your coaching experience with me. You can read my reviews on Google Business.
And, as a special bonus, download your free gift from me here.
I look forward to having a conversation with you. Please call me at any time. 401-742-1965.
Or, you can schedule some time with me for free by clicking here