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What are you going to resolve to STOP doing in 2017?


  • Lying awake worried that your business may fail?
  • Feeling anxious because of employee issues?
  • Working harder than everyone else and gambling with your health?

You can get local support with these scenarios today, without wasting any more time and money.





Are you tired of these situations?

  • It’s 5:30PM, and yours is the only car left in the parking lot. Now, you’ve missed dinner and your child’s game again.
  • You’re not advancing or growing in your business or career as quickly as you had planned.
  • Office politics are causing barriers to your effectiveness.
  • Work/life balance doesn’t exist for you.
  • Your work environment is bordering on toxic.
  • Your career issues are being ignored by management.
  • You your business’s payroll is not in the competitive range.
  • You are worried that your leaders are not engaging in behaviors that improve employee productivity and overall business success.


Buy Local, Shop Small. Support Local Business!



You know you want to solve this locally, but where do you find that kind of help?





You want someone local to support your business and career goals, and you don’t want to pay an outsider big bucks to do it.

Buy Local, Shop Small.

Now, you can improve your business and career performance, right here in Southern New England.

You expect only the very best when you hire a local executive coach. Your search ends here!

Now, you can hire the only local coach in the business with a proven 100% track record.

My clients landed jobs in the following major organizations, among others:

CVS Health, Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Northeastern University, L.L. Bean, Electric Boat, Texas Instruments, Mapfre Insurance, United States Postal Service, etc.

And, my local business clients ( from North Kingstown, Wakefield, Providence, Hopkinton, Mass., etc) have all been 100% satisfied with their results in team building and priority setting.

I’ve successfully coached clients in these major organizations, as well as privately owned, small businesses.

Hasbro, Raytheon, Community College of Rhode Island, Toray Plastics, Ocean State Job Lot, Lockheed Martin, Citizens Bank, FM Global, Bank of America, etc.

When it comes to your business or career, choose carefully; you simply want the very best there is, and  you want to get it locally.

Hire the local Blue Chip Coach with the Blue Chip Experience; and a 100% proven track record.

Mary T. O’Sullivan, MSOL is an ICF Credentialed Coach with over 30 years experience in major corporations. Today, she supports her clients to achieve grace and poise when making a change in business, career, or relationships. She lives in Kingston, RI, and has an office in North Kingstown, RI.

For your complimentary conversation, contact Mary at